Picture the scene: an adult suddenly collapses near you. Would you know what to do while waiting for medical help? Acting fast is crucial. Here’s a step-by-step guide to performing lifesaving CPR on an adult when tragedy strikes.
Assess the Situation
First, make sure the scene is safe before rushing to the victim’s aid. Give a tap and shout to see if they respond. If they’re unresponsive, have someone call 911 and go get an AED while you get into position.
Start Chest Compressions
Place your hands, one on top of the other, over the lower half of the breastbone. Keep your arms straight and shoulders directly over your hands as you push down. (Pro tip: The beat of the Bee Gees’ “Stayin’ Alive” is the perfect tempo aim for – about 100 to 120 compressions per minute).
Compress at least 2 inches deep into the chest, allowing the chest to fully recoil between pumps. According to the American Heart Association, you'll need to alternate between 30 compressions and 2 rescue breaths until help arrives.
Open the Airway
Kneel beside the victim, tilt their head back slightly and lift the chin to open up the airway. If you see an obstruction, sweep it out with your finger. Pinch their nose closed and give two rescue breaths to provide oxygen.
Provide Rescue Breaths
After every 30 compressions, tilt the head back, lift the chin, pinch the nose, and give two rescue breaths. Each breath should make the chest rise, but avoid overinflating.
Keep Pumpin’
Check with community centers, recreation centers, or even local schools and universities. They sometimes host CPR training classes that are open to the public or available for group bookings. Community-based classes can be a convenient and affordable option.
Repeat cycles of 30 compressions and 2 breaths until you notice signs of life return, like breathing, movement, or coughing. EMS should take over once they reach you, but keep going until then. With your quick actions, you’ve given them a fighting chance!
NOTE: If you’re not comfortable with rescue breaths for any reason, you can just keep pumpin’ until first responders arrive to take over!
Stay calm, pump hard and fast, and get ready to hum “Another One Bites the Dust” to yourself while doing CPR. Take a class with us to get more hands-on practice so you’re prepared to take action when it matters most. You could be someone’s hero someday!
Let us know if you have any other questions about performing life-saving CPR on adults. We’re here to turn you into a lean, mean, lifesaving machine!